Monday, January 24, 2011

Water All Around

Why is life like weather? Sometimes we can be happy, but it's only a matter of time before the clouds, the wind, and the rain are back again. And sometimes, when you expect it least, there comes a flood. We are in a flood. The reliable things in my life are washing away, and though I've accepted the fact that I personally can't change it, it still cuts like a knife. My uncle has cancer. It sounds too distant to say uncle. My mom's brother has cancer. It's bad. Stage four, and they just found out today. She is worried sick, even though she won't show it. I know everything happens for a reason, but I sure would like to know the reason behind this, God. I want to know why I see the people who hold me together falling apart. I want to know why we are numb and cold toward each other, and I want a book of answers. When the earth was flooded, and while Noah and the animals were safe and cozy on their boat, I wonder about the rest of the people, dirty and sinful and wet, and how they felt. Terrified and overwhelmed, with their hearts in their throats and their laughter gone. Maybe about how I am feeling now, but probably worse. Yesterday was not easy, but it was so much easier than today. Tomorrow might seem new, but it might get stained. And even though the rain is fun to dance in, it will make our lives messy afterword. And even though the clouds will give us shade, they make us forget the sun. And even though the wind blows us away from our stagnant lives, it never, ever tells us where to go.

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