Monday, January 3, 2011

Monday. Ew.

Ladies and gentlemen, I  would like you all to know that my decisions are not resolute, and that I am now thoroughly depressed. I was planning on doing something nifty and fun like a countdown until freedom, but after having a fairly decent day I realized that signing the release papers and saying goodbye won't be as easy as I thought it would. I'm confused on what I should do. Will it be worth it? If I had a follower other than my lovely mother, I would ask you all to give me a little bit of candid advice. My day was good, I helped a friend, and even laughed at something a teacher said. But...I want to do amazing things! So I came home. I cried. I cried while eating hummus and whole grain Wheat Thins. I cried while I wandered my small house. I sat down on my kitchen floor and cried. It was pathetic, but I'm feeling a little better. It's normal to want to stick to a pattern, and normal to feel sad when it's time to try something new. The only thing I'm really scared of is the fact that if I quit...It's final, and there's no going back. There are a few things I love about school; my best friend (her name is Mary), lunch, and all its infinite possibilities, arguing with the mean and rather rude boy in Math Lab, my Bio teachers war against the lethargic pet lizard, Swift Walks (the speed walks taken by Rachel and I in order to get to class at the other side of the building on time), and many other beautiful things. But it might be time for a new thing.
Here at my house, we are having some interesting food, tonight's special was Moroccan Chicken, Chickpea And Cashew soup. My mom jokes that if we keep eating this ridiculous food, we'll all reach our weight-loss goals in a minimal amount of time. Today while in drawing I was asked if I was on acid, because I always have the craziest ideas for art, that come out of nowhere. I'm not on acid, I'm proud to say, but I just couldn't get over the funniness of that question. Well, since I've been shrugging out of doing my homework while writing this, I'll have to get going on that, so I'll leave you with one terrifying fact: 13 days to get my crap together and decide what to do with my life.

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