Thursday, January 13, 2011

Red Paint

This day was bananas (B-a-n-a-n-a-s!). It started out with yours truly eating granola out of a mug, then in my 7:30am gym class we took our written final/essay, where I wasted 15 minutes writing about the "Journey of the ovum, Flight of the sperm," which I am hoping to never have to right about again in my life-time. After that, I left class early and wandered the halls, before completely schooling it up on my English II debate. We were debating the Park51 project, better known as the "mosque at Ground Zero" and whether or not it should be built. We flipped a coin, and I got con, when I had crossed my fingers for pro, but I debated, and won with a ten to one vote in my favor (Score!). I usually don't win things, so this was a pleasant surprise. In art class, after lunch, I dumped bright red Tempera paint all over my favorite pair of pants, then tried to clean in off with yellow and green paint on my hands. Did not work. Now I was a walking art project, though some how, having paint smeared all over my leg made me feel like a true artist, even though I actually looked like an idiot. I think I've finally found my niche in high school, as one of the artsy kids. One of the ones whose life does not revolve around the big ugly holding pen called school. I'd like to believe that I'm better than that. After drawing class, I had to take home the majority of my drawing folder in my hands, which was precarious, and just as I thought I would, I ended up practically throwing the stack of papers across the hallway. Luckily, I have the best friends on planet earth, and my friend Will picked up my art pieces while I whined and wailed about this day I was having. He's such a wonderful individual.  Now I am at home, and my favorite TV shows are on tonight; Community, The Office, 30 Rock, and Outsourced. There is no better cure than mindless television, and I know artists aren't supposed to say this, but I freaking love watching TV. Enough said.  

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