Sunday, January 16, 2011

Bonne Weekend!

Finals week. Is. Tomorrow....and I definitely should be studying, but I'm definitely not. Aside from making a note card for my Geometry final and writing an essay, this has been one of the laziest weekends of my life. In other words, it has been wonderful. Here are some of the high lights of my weekend: "dog-sitting" with my bestie at her neighbors house, watching Americas Next Top Model while eating Coffee Almond Swirl ice cream, sleeping in, taking a bath with tons and tons of bubbles, and only changing out of my pajamas and putting on make-up when I actually had to go somewhere, like church. Americas Next Top Model is by far one of the most fascinating shows I've ever seen. Every time I watch it I learn something new about beauty in our world. So cool! I'm still in my pajamas now, and I have been all day, waiting for the jeans I painted on to be dry (remember the paint-spilling story? Same pants, new life span) and once they do, I'll try to find the courage to wear them in public. Other big news, our dog needed to be put down, which is sad, even though no one actually liked the dog except for my dad. His name was Jerry, and he was the skinniest, ugliest, smelliest, but most loving dog ever. My dad, named Don, misses him a lot, even though he won't talk about it. He's already looking for another dog to give him what he says is, "what your kids won't give you; love and adoration." It's almost time for youth group, which is actually pretty fun. We play a lot of dodge-ball. I'll check in tomorrow for a summary of the fist day of finals week.

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