Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Power Of Sauteed Mushrooms In Butter

Last night I kicked my diet out the door for the night, and made sliced mushrooms sauteed in butter, garlic, and a splash of olive oil. My brother grilled steaks outside in his bathrobe, and I also made a Greek salad with garden herb Feta cheese. It was divine, and totally turned my bad mood around. It's a rare occasion that I get to eat sauteed mushrooms, and last night was such an occasion. My only sibling, Walter who is seventeen, just graduated high school. I know it's January, but he decided to graduate early and start college at MSU. Full speed ahead Walter, and good luck.
Skiers rejoice, it's a Saturday morning and the snow is dumping down. It's beautiful, even if you're not a skier. Today I will be hunting down good deals at the Bozeman Salvation Army. This is by far one of the best places in downtown Bozeman, even though it's kind of a dump. Doesn't matter though, because it rocks. I am not getting my hair cut today, but perhaps in a week. This means one more week of wearing my hair up, and taking the time to put it up. Shoot. Oh well, nothing can rain on my parade, it's a snowy Saturday morning, and there's adventure to be had!

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