Friday, January 7, 2011

Since I don't really have anything special to say today, i was just sort of hoping that boundless inspiration would hit me in the face. But that didn't happen, because here I am. Today the world rubbed off some of it's evil tarnish and showed a brighter side I hadn't seen in weeks.  Even the boy who I personally thought to be evil was kind and generous today. However, that's probably due to the fact that it's Friday, also known to most as party night, and the sheer thought of a wild weekend can turn any boy into a saint. Unfortunately, not a speck of saintly-ness came off on me. I feel dragged down, and I currently have zero motivation for anything other than television and sleep. That might change by tomorrow, since my best friend and I are planning to get our hair cut. High-school is so complicated, and it just so happens that we spend our most defining years there. In a vast brick building that is teaming with personal problems and short lived glory. I suppose I'm just griping. I'm usually depressed in the evenings, and I'm not sure why. Maybe it was the fact that I rode the bus home. The bus, number 13, is the one thing that could ruin my day. It's loud, it smells weird, the bus driver stands way to close while talking (he also smells weird), and there is chewed gum everywhere. Yes, after releasing those feelings, I have deducted that as the reason to my bad mood. Problem solved. Until I ride the bus again.

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