Saturday, June 1, 2013

Quick, Boring Post

Ladies and gentlemen, I am freaking exhausted, and I look horrible, but rest assured, I am really happy. I've been spending most of my time with a German friend that I met in Luang Prabang, Laos, about a week ago. It has been really nice to make a friend and take a break from travelling alone. Plus, there's a lot of things to do while traveling that are just a lot more fun with friends. In the past week I've been ziplining, gone cave-exploring, been to many a good bar, explored the zoo, learned to drive a motor bike, climbed and waded through waterfalls, and had more noodle soups and fruit shakes that I could count. Plus, I helped him choose souvenirs for his girlfriend and family, so I'd say I'm pretty helpful, even though I can't find my way back to the guesthouse most of the time and I can't give directions to anyone. The past week has been exhausting, but so awesome. My time in Chiang Mai has definitely been a hilight to the trip. I only have 13 more days left in SE Asia. The time has flown by, but at the same time, I feel like I've been gone for years. It's strange how time works when we're away. I can't believe I only turned 18 less than 2 months ago. I feel like I've aged years in that time. When people ask me my age, it takes just a moment longer than it should to say "I'm 18." I feel like I should be at least 20, high school seems like forever ago, when it was only a year ago. I haven't met anyone my own age so far, which is crazy, because I've been meeting other travelers for almost 2 months. Coming home might be hard. I'm honestly pretty nervous. I will have to find a place to live near MSU, and find another job. I can't hail a tuk-tuk, go out to a cool bar with new friends from other countries, or wear my dirty laundry for a week, and never style my hair or put on makeup. Things will be expensive again, and I'll have to pay in dollars. However, there are some things about home that I am just so excited for. First of all, steak. I am really craving a steak. And snowy mountains and cold nights, and eating apples and peanut butter on the back porch on lazy summer days, and taking some time out of every day to give my dog, Hank, a hug that he will not appreciate. And my friends and family, I'm really starting to miss them. I also miss being able to walk outside without being drenched in sweat and covered with mosquito bites within 10 minutes. Basically, part of me is excited to come home, and a slightly bigger part of me wants to just keep traveling for a very long time. I really love this way of life. Anyway, this isn't a very good post, but I'll do one of those later. There is just to much going on and being thought about right now. I miss you, reading people, and even though it doesn't seem true, I'll be home in a month.

1 comment:

  1. It's a beautifully real post. I love the simple honesty.
