Friday, June 7, 2013

Bamboo Tattoo On a Whim.

Since I don't want to write out the history right now, here is a concise explanation of the history of bamboo tattoos:
As soon as I heard about bamboo tattooing in Thailand, I thought it sounded like something I should definitely try. Since I've been in Pai, I've seen about 5 bamboo tattoo parlors. So yesterday I picked one, got a price estimate, and made an appointment for today. Today I went to my appointment, and the fun began. The design I got is the Thai writing for "chok dee," or, good luck, in Thai. It's something that I've said and that's been said to me often, and it will always remind me of this awesome adventure. They got everything ready, took plenty of time to align the tattoo perfectly, and then prepared the bamboo. Bamboo tattoo is a lot gentler than normal tattooing with a gun. They use a thin bamboo stick with some tiny needles attached to the end. They tap the skin with these tiny needles, and it doesn't bleed or scab. My tattoo artist was a large, friendly Thai wearing reading glasses, and naturally, covered in tattoos. He was assisted by his lovely wife, a sweet lady with a lot of facial piercings. The whole thing took about one half hour. It hurt a little, but not bad at all. Like a pinching and a little burning. I would post a picture if I could, but since I can't, Just believe me when I say it looks awesome and I love it. After two hours, it already looked completely healed. If you go to Thailand, or somewhere else in SE Asia, I definitely recommend the bamboo tattoo experience. Plus, it only cost me about 40USD. 

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