Tuesday, June 4, 2013

In Pai Now

Praise the Lord, I made to Pai! It was honestly a pretty rough journey, even though it only took four hours. I was picked up from my guesthouse by a sangthaew (song-tao) full of other backpackers, which took us to our minibus. Once every seat was occupied and our enormous and way too heavy packs were loaded, they sealed in the air and away we went. The road to Pai is the swerviest, curviest, craziest road I've ever been on; it was like a slow roller coaster that lasted four hours. After one half hour, I was already carsick. After three hours, I thought I was going to have to break the air-seal and vomit out the window. I sat in the miserable state of motion sick people, arms crossed around my stomach, and laying forward over my legs. Every time I opened my eyes and looked out the window my stomach whirled and spun, and I started to get cold and sweaty. On both sides of every hairpin turn were walls of bright green foliage, with no break and nothing to focus my eyes on. We arrived in Pai just in time, because I thought I might have to cry or vomit very soon. I carried my pack across one of the rickety bamboo bridges across a small river, and checked into a charmingly shabby bungalow, one of many on the property owned by a kind and hospitable transvestite. I'm not really sure what to do with my time here yet, but I think I'll have no problem spending a week here. Pai was previously described to me as a beach town without a beach. We'll see how it goes.

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