Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Scissor Fever

You know that age-old rule, spoken from mother to daughter, and restated by children's books with hidden lessons? Thou Shalt Not Cut Thine Own Hair. It's a well meaning commandment, with the best intentions of protecting girls silky hair from scissors on the loose and keeping salons in business. Maybe I should have obeyed this rule, and not cut my hair at 9:30pm last night. But I didn't, and so...My hair looks fabulous! I did a pretty darn good job, if I do say so. Granted, I like to rock the messy hair look, and I might not have been this pleased if I had wanted something sleek and polished. How did I do this? I really just got scissor fever, and started snipping. First, I cut two inches off of the bottom, and then I cut in layers, beginning at the bottom and working my way up to the crown or the head. I cut the bangs and front in last, and then did a little extra snipping for good measure. I didn't know my home haircut would turn out this well, in fact, I thought it was going to be unbearably hideous, and so I had plans to go to the salon as soon as they opened in the morning and have a professional clean up the mess I had made of my head. I just wanted to see if I could cut my own hair, even if it looked bad. Kind of a courage thing, to prove to myself that hair is just hair. I'm actually really surprised that I don't look like a scarecrow or a ten year old. It's not the best haircut I've ever had, but since I did it myself, I'm not too picky. The picture on the top is the bathroom floor after the fact, and the second is me, post haircut.


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