Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Super-Cool Plan

Now, my friends, is the time for the great revealing of next years tentative plan. (NOTE: the plans contained herein are in no way definite or concrete, they are merely me acting on what God has told me to do). As many of you know, I had plans to go to Morocco in August, but those plans fell through on June 1st. For awhile I was overwhelmingly depressed, and had no idea of why in the world God would let me be so sad and confused. Things turned around pretty quickly, however, when I began to think, What if I just go to Ethiopia when I turn 18, like I have wanted all along? This idea seemed too good to be true, and so I just prayed about it. The more I prayed, the more possible it began to seem. About a month ago, I contacted a wonderful woman I had met in Ethiopia, and asked her if they needed any help. After a few emails, honest responses to questions, and many days of waiting, I am now filling out an application for a job in Ethiopia, doing the work of my dreams. The application process is super lengthy and involved, but I've found that one will do just about anything for something they love. If hired, the position will be volunteer only, so I will have to raise all of my own support through donations and fundraising. I don't mind though. I'm meant to live in Africa, and God will provide for me. Those two things are clearer to me than anything else in my life right now. I am really hoping to get this job; everything about it seems right, and the process that would usually seems tedious seems almost easy, and is going smoothly. I feel a sense of exhilaration and hope for the future. I am planning to leave in April, but who knows, they might need to wait a little longer in order to get everything I need done. It doesn't matter to me, as long as I am going to Ethiopia. I think about going back everyday, and everyday I seem to miss it more. When Jesus is in control, it is amazing what an impact two weeks can have on an open heart. The ugly picture you see on the top right side is a picture of my computer desk this morning, with all of the application papers so far (not including the five typed pages saved in the computer). If you any of you would be so kind as to say a quick prayer for me, and that God would give me this dream job, it would be greatly appreciated. This is the first step in a highly incredible journey. I'll keep you informed as I find out more details. Thanks for reading!

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