Tuesday, March 13, 2012

When Dreams Turn Into Reality

I don't even know how to begin this post, or to put into words all that I have to say. Previously, I tried begin with something eloquent and wordy, but then hit delete because it turned into a jumble of words and letters and total nonsense to anyone who isn't a mind-reader. I puzzled and pondered on how to write this, but eventually decided I just might as well say it; if all goes according to plan, I will be living and working in Morocco next year. The "how" in this situation is lengthy and a little confusing, but the important details are that an acquaintance lives there with his family, they work at a school, they are Christians, and they could use some help. I'm quite certain that this is meant to be, because everything fell together in the course of around a week. I can hardly believe that I have the opportunity to do something so awesome. If you know me well enough to know that I am currently a junior in high school, you may be doing the math, and wondering "wait a minute, if she is going next year, doesn't that leave her with one year of high school incomplete?" Yes, yes it does. It make me cringe to write this next part, because I know what the usual reaction is to statements like this. The truth is, that in June of this year, I will be a high school dropout. Yikes. I know how that sounds, but I talked to my school counselor, and in April I can take the GED test, and in Montana a high school diploma and a GED have the same status. I've always dreamed of having an opportunity so perfect for me that it couldn't wait for me, and that I would have to erase my ideas about the near future and go. Now that that is actually happening, my mind can't wrap around it. I'd like to say that I'm not scared at all, but that would be a lie. I know that I'm meant to fly across the ocean and work my heart out, but I still cried a few tears when I learned that I will be a dropout. I also need to earn a couple thousand dollars, which doesn't make peace of mind any easier. However, I'm more excited about this coming year than I ever have been about anything in my life, because I know this is what I am meant to do. Anything and everything, the worries or inconveniences, will be worth it in the end. I will write and tell you all about this enormous adventure as I live it. Here we go!

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