Monday, August 26, 2013

Diary of a Slightly Reluctant College Student: Day 1.

Well, folks it's really done. My first day as a college student. I had medium-high expectations for this day, and in my head it was an easy day in which I met a few friends and got to know my classes. I would arrive on time, have all the materials I needed, and eat lunch in the sunshine on one of MSU's many pristine lawns. Nope. I arrived late, hit my elbow on my friend's car and got blood on my shirt, couldn't remember a darn thing in my French class, skipped lunch, went to the wrong class, and cried in the bathroom. Twice. The truth is, I don't want to go to college. When I tell people this, they say one of two things. One is, "if you don't want to be there, don't go wasting your money and time on it!" Or two, "Oh, come on, yes you do! College was the best time of my life, and I'm quite certain that it will be yours too, so pipe down, put on a smile, and join a club or something." Well, something along those lines. I can't take One's advice, because I know what I want to do after college. I have dreams and goals, and college is a necessary step in the process. I just don't want to go through it right now. This part of my life is putting me well into dept, and making my resources severely limited. I want to be traveling, I want to be adventurous, I want to skip to the end, where I'm a teacher and living in Africa or Asia or somewhere else distinctly different. I don't want to be here spending all my money for four years. FOUR YEARS. In response to Two, I really do want to like it. I'm trying hard. I'm introducing myself to people, I'm meeting my teachers, I'm studying things that interest me, but I guess I just can't get used to the idea of being in college. I can't accept that that is where I am in life right now, when I want to be doing to much more already. I will learn to like this experience. Some things are just waiting to be made the best of. I need patience, I need courage, and I need money, because MSU practically charges you to go to the bathroom. This is the beginning of a new stage of life, one that I'm not comfortable with yet, but one that I'll get through.

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