Monday, September 9, 2013

School Is Like Vitamins.

Here's the deal; I'm still not wild about the idea of being in school, but in the past two weeks I've come to realize how good it is for me. It's like vitamins, the grown-up kind, not the gummy Flinstone's ones. Not super fun, but making a better person. It's opening my mind back up again and challenging my thinking. I like to imagine my brain lifting weights. It's doing that in class, only no one can see it and I can't feel it. But I think about it anyway, because it gives me just a little more motivation to read and re-read pages of French and articles about the benefits and negative effects of assigning homework to elementary age students. I have homework about homework. I know.

The good thing is, I want to be a teacher, a really great teacher, so I work way harder in all my classes and participate in my  learning way more than I ever did in high school. As a result, I'm pretty busy. Turns out, when you do all your homework and show up to all your classes, it takes up most of the day. In addition to this, I also work most evenings at Kohl's, and spend Friday nights hanging out with middle school students at the youth group I volunteer for. Goodbye social life, I'll see you next summer. After going to Thailand and having WAY too much free time, this is kind of a shock to my system. Some days I have a half hour of free time during the whole day. This is usually used to get ready for work. But that's okay, being busy is good for me too. I have to budget my time and stay focused, two things I've never been good at.

Well, I have to go write about things of importance now, like learning styles and homework about homework about homework. As always, thanks for reading, friends.

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