Tuesday, July 29, 2014

I Was In Uganda, But I'm Back Now.

I've been back for more than a week now, and so I know it's a little late to tell you all about my time in Uganda. I had high hopes for blogging while I was gone, but our internet was so dishonest and shady and I was so busy doing real-life things that I didn't have the chance. The truth is, I could fill novels, publish a weekly magazine, or have my own hip and cool youtube channel just of stories and experiences and life lessons. So much happened, and I was blown away every morning, noon, and night by the complete and total realness of God and the need for his help. I have so much I could say, and yet I sit here in front of my computer screen with the feeling that I simply can't do the journey justice through the artificial clacking of a keyboard and a small corner of the internet. It was so important to me, and I don't know how I can convey it's ups, downs and in-betweens to you. It was amazing. My life and my identity have been changed and renewed. I will probably write more and more about it as I miss it more and more. I miss my Ugandan friends. I washed my clothes by hand, took baths from a plastic bucket, was constantly dirty, and  was completely happy and fulfilled for 6 glorious weeks under the equatorial sun. But now I'm home, and until I go back, it's time for me to take ownership of my life here. To live happily, to do good, and to make these beautiful days count.

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