Saturday, May 4, 2013

Thailand Is Still Awesome

So, yes, I've really been neglecting this blog. I've tried to post twice, but the internet was too slow the first time, and the second time the computer crashed. I'll just try to sum up some of the things I've been up to here in rural Thailand. First of all, it seems I can't go outside without breaking a sweat and getting a sunburn, which is bad because we spend almost all day outside here on the farm. Secondly, the mosquitoes think I'm the bees knees and I am covered in bites. However, I feel as if I'm finally living out the dream of adventure I've carried around all of my life. My feet are always dirty, my clothes are never clean, I never look nice here, and I find that really freeing. I have no one to impress or anyone's approval to try and earn. I can do what I want and go where I please and eat 3 mangoes everyday just because I feel like it. A few days ago Lola, Benjamin and I went into Sikhui to go to market, as we were running really low on food and were completely out of fruit. Since it was 100 degrees, I wore a dress, which seemed like a really good idea when I left. However, as I tried to climb off the bike without showing the entire marketplace my underwear, I burnt my leg on the tailpipe of the bike. It looks kind of awful, but it should be fine. I've been using Jake's special tried and true method of burn healing, where I chop an aloe vera leaf in half and tie it onto my leg for several hours. It actually works amazingly well. Today we dropped Benjamin at the bus stop and had to say goodbye to our dear curry-cooking friend, who is on his way to India right now. After that, Lola, Jake and I went on an adventure, and drove and drove in the sidecar through tiny towns and beautiful farmland. I got a sunburn, naturally, but I've just tied some more aloe to my leg and I put some on my face as well. On the 16th, I am heading to Laos for a quick one week stay there. I may stay in Vientiane, but the more I think about it the more I also want to see Luang Prabang. We'll see. I'll most likely be taking the night bus, and arriving to the border in the early morning, before the rush (or maybe before it even opens), which would be great. I want to find a cool yet cheap guesthouse to stay in, and then I plan on spending an entire day just sleeping. I just fall asleep all the time here. I think it's the weather. I tried to read for a while this afternoon, but I ended up sleeping for the last two hours. There was the most magnificent storm today. Luckily we had just arrived home and weren't trying to drive home through it. It was so loud! and the wind and lightning and thunder and water we so powerful. A few banana trees near the showers were knocked down, but otherwise everything is (miraculously) fine. I really meant to be posting more here, but this computer doesn't always like me. There is SO much more I could write, but I think I have to cut off here. Thanks for reading and praying for me!

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