Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sleep Miracles, a Poem

Sleep Miracles

When A human being falls asleep
the beautiful miracles of simple happenings
play out upon an unlit stage.
You see them dream, and once again they are children,
innocence wrapped around them like a favorite blanket.
Hate; gone. Fear; at bay. Their faces are untied,
the furrows in their brows 
smoothed by the fingers of rest.
The monsters of life, the demons if the days;
Worry, Work, a Failed Love,
 and the Fear of Never Being Enough,
wait for morning, hiding in passing glances
and the pages of books.
Not even they can intrude upon
the fleeting hours of regained childhood.
The time before a memory can turn to a regret, 
the time before the plans of fate
are rearranged once more.
As the sleepers chest rises and falls
with each gentle breath, you want to reach out,
trace the temporary softness of their face,
hear the peace of their stillness. 
But you don't.
Because you've come to believe in miracles.
And you know that time is so short
and innocence is so precious.

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