Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Another Step Taken.

Ladies and gentlemen, the world can be a most deflating place. I often find that hope takes more courage than hopelessness. If you do not hope, you don't feel the sharp cut of disappointment when those hopes are dashed. Hopelessness is full of sadness, but much more predictable than hoping. I was finally able to send my application for my job in Ethiopia last week, and with the hitting of the send button came a bubbling-up of mixed nerves and the feeling that this could be the thing that I've been dreaming of. I received an email today about scheduling an interview, and my heart skipped a beat as my dream took another small step towards reality. I don't know if I will get this job, but my goodness, I want it badly. They could have turned me down a long time ago, but they still haven't, and that has to mean something. It's so hard to trust God and keep hope intact when at any step in the process I could be turned down after hours of work, weeks of worry, and millions of prayers. But regardless of the outcome, it has already been an exercise in hope and faith. In a sometimes bleak and tiring world, exercises in hope are important. They teach us to strive for something better, to imagine a brighter life. Or, it teaches me that anyway. God has made the problem and solution of my life right now quite clear: Your heart is in Ethiopia. Go find it. So I said Ok, I will start the journey if you will show me what to do. And He has. Please pray for this journey that I have begun, pray that nothing would block my path, and pray that I never lose hope or the faith that God knows what He's doing.  -mads

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