Sunday, July 3, 2011

So Close I Can Finally See It

Today I can say exuberantly and with much relief that I have one glorious week at Clydehurst camp ahead of me. This means one week without fundraising; one week where I can sit down if my feet hurt, go hiking, play games, meet new people, and take a nap if I'm tired, all without worrying about the next bake sale or farmer's market. However, our hard work is slowly paying off, because I only have around $800 left, and though that seems like a large amount, remember that this is out of $3,000. Our plane tickets for Ethiopia have been purchased and we leave in just over a month. It seems like just last week I was frantically filling out my application for the trip in hopes of getting on the team despite my age. It seems like I was just wondering who would be on the team and if I would be the youngest or if they would like me or if I could possibly raise enough money. So far, God has answered all those questions in the best way possible. He's still working on that last one though. Fundraising has given me such a lesson in faith. I've already learned so much from this trip, and we haven't even left yet. So, I'm out for a week. I won't be doing any baking, but I will be praying. I'll write a bit on my adventures after this week is over. I hope you all are having an incredible summer!

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