Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ma vie est bonne

Dear everyone, my life is good right now. I just thought I'd take some time to check in with all of you wonderful readers who I love. It is with relief of throbbing arms that I can say that I now have all of my necessary vaccines for Ethiopia. We have around six more days of school, which is absolutely exhilarating. Soon. Soon we'll be free from the loud and dark hallways of BHS. Summer will be here and the worries relevant to school will dissolve into the sunshine. I can't wait, folks! My only sibling, Walter, is graduating THIS WEEKEND.  We have a big party and tons of food planned, not to mention my wonderful grandparents from New York and Minnesota, as well as my fabulous Auntie and my cousin Cam, also from the great state of NY. This weekend is sure to be packed full of joy and sheer chaos. Next weekend are the dreaded spring finals, so in addition to trying to absorb every moment with my family I also have to pack my brain full of my second semester education. There might be a few late nights in my near future. Regardless, I'm so excited. I hope you all are doing well and biting your nails with excitement for summer (not really, nail biting is bad), because it's almost here so get ready to have some fun and enjoy your freedom!

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