Sunday, March 27, 2011

Closed Doors, Open Windows

So, my dear friends and readers, it has been awhile. In my earlier posts I wrote about my dream job at Clydehurst Christian Ranch (CCR), and how amazing my summer there would be. I thought I was perfect for that job and that it would be crazy if I was not accepted. Well, Crazy has a way of following me around because I received word from them last week. In my application there was a Beliefs section, which asked our thoughts on controversial issues such as drugs and alcohol, abortion, and homosexuality. I answered with candid honesty, that drugs were wrong, and that I abhor abortion unless the baby was predetermined to be born with a life-crushing disability (such as head-to-toe paralysis). As for homosexuality, I wrote that while it says it is a sin in the Bible and I agree with that, but I have friends who are born homosexuals, and since they cannot change the way they are, I don't try to change them either, but I love them anyway. Anyway, CCR emailed me to tell me that they were looking for older staff this year. I had no issue with that, and actually agreed with that decision, but they then went on to say that my "thoughts" about said issues did not align with their [conservative] views. I can understand why my belief about abortion could be wrong, but they told me that they believe that homosexuality is an unacceptable sin. They even suggested that I talk to my parents or pastor about these issues. Really? Do you think that some homosexuals haven't tried to change the way they are? Sure, some are just plain messing around where they shouldn't be, but some have truly tried to be heterosexual. What do we tell them if we are living in that narrow-minded frame? "God doesn't love you"? Or even simply "go to hell"? I think not. God loves everybody, and I know that for a fact. So, the lesson I learned here was that if I'm going to be a spectacular individual, I need to know what I believe and stand by it, even when it takes away an incredible opportunity. There's a phrase that says that when God closes one door, he opens another. In this case, He closed a door in my face and instead of opening another one, he opened the window instead. I have a Super-secret Summer Adventure possible, but I'll have to climb through the windows to get there, because it's not nearly as easy as walking through a door. I will update you with my plan as soon as I get a few questions answered. Until then, remember to do crazy things, smile, laugh, love, and take the high road in your life, because that's where the sun is.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Quicksilver life

Life is rushing past at such a rapid pace, It almost scares me. I registered for classes of my junior year. It seems like class of 2013 was just walking through the halls as timid freshman. But next year we're all juniors. Then, after that, is the fantasized and glorified senior year, and after that... Our futures are no longer guided by the parallel lines of public education. Our fragile high school friendships will fizzle out until we can no longer remember the sound of our friends laughter or understand why those things we said were so funny. We'll all grow up. This seemed like something that will never happen, like driving towards the horizon but never meeting the edge of the earth. But it will happen, and I probably will be too grown up and preoccupied to even notice. What will happen if every moment is not acknowledged and stretched to its full potential? Answer that on your own, because it may not bother you. But it bothers me; I feel like I'm constantly wasting my own time along with that of everyone around me.  I want to travel around the world a thousand times over, because I know that if I do, I still won't have even come close to seeing and experiencing and knowing what life is about, no matter how temporary life is. That is why I must constantly reinvent myself, because life is far too fleeting to remain the same through it all. I decided to write about this today not only because it has been  lodged into my mind, but also because I want to remind you all that everything matters. Every moment, either wasted or used wisely.
Here is a list of things to do in order to start making every moment count. Choose something off this list, or make your own list, do it, and make some memories.
  • Get up early, watch the sunrise 
  • Give someone something (money, food, encouragement, time, love)
  • Build a monument to something or someone
  • Stand up for someone
  • Take off your shoes, run around
  • Sing in the shower
  • Make a fort
  • Tell a secret
  • Conquer a phobia
  • Leave a love note
  • Climb a mountain (or a hill)
  • Discover something
  • Watch the sunset, all of it