Monday, February 21, 2011

Everything is beautiful

I feel like I've crossed over into some sunny enlightenment, and I feel as though I've just walked out of a cave. What a wonderful feeling it is. There is about seven new inches of snow in Bozeman today, and with it comes the question of how in the world could anyone hate winter? Since I haven't written in a long time, I'll catch you up. We got a yellow lab a few days ago and his name is Lucky. About a week ago we got a parakeet, who I first named Emerson, but who we now call Bitey, for reasons that should be obvious. Since I wrote about the broken zipper on my coat, I had been saving up my money for many weeks and bought a wonderful blue coat yesterday, which gives me all the more reason to adore winter. Also, the coordinator of the camp that i want to work at this summer had told me that my application has not been disqualified and that I'm going through to the hiring process. This doesn't mean that I'm positively working there yet, but it means that I'm one step closer. I read a quote this morning that said 'A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,' and I just can't get that out of my head, what an awesome image.  So, since I have copious amounts of review homework to complete today, I'd just like to let you know that there is beauty in everything, and if you notice it, you will undoubtedly be filled with joy.

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