Wednesday, January 8, 2014

I Am The Worst Blogger Ever

Hello readers, it's been awhile. I know, consistency, reliability, good writing, I know. I haven't blogged since somewhere around the beginning of the semester. I would make an excuse and say that I've been terribly busy, while for awhile, I WAS, in fact, terribly busy, but I just spent the whole of winter break sleeping in until 10 and fiddling around all day. I could have written an entire novel in that month of lazy farting around. It's just hard to pick back up again and try to sum up my life on a computer screen. I'll try to do a bit of that now, but I'm giving you the abridged version, because I don't have time to type out 4 months-worth of my life.

Article 1: Education. I made it through one successful semester, with all A's! I was a total nerd and spent most of the day getting things done in the library (where I am right now!), and working in the evenings. I averaged 5 or six hours of sleep per night, which is not enough for me, and I was completely drained and pale and exhausted all the time. But I did it, and I feel really good about that. I still don't love college, and a few days ago I had a breakdown at the thought of coming back, but now here I am and it's actually nice to feel productive and purposeful again. Today is the start of a new semester, and after a good cry, I'm ready. Plus, when this semester drags itself to a slow close, I will leave for Uganda, which brings us to Article 2.

Article 2: Africa! The story of how and why I will be going to Uganda the summer is kind of complicated, but also very simple if I don't go into the details. I met the founder of Uganda Orphans Fund, he said, "Do you want to come to Uganda?" And I said, "of course I want come to Uganda," and then so did several other people, and now there is a team of us who will leave in June, and stay for a month or longer. I have been preying about going back to Africa for about two years, and then in the span of one hour I was invited to Uganda, told I could stay for as long as I felt called to, and decided that I needed to go. And, as a fun bonus, my mom is coming along! She's always wanted to work with children somewhere in Africa, and when I had learned the details of the Uganda trip, I knew she had to be a part of it because it was the exact thing she's wanted to do for years. Yay, God!

Article 3: My boyfriend. I don't like to be sappy or romantic on the internet. Ever. So I'll just be brief and let you all know that he's excellent, I love him, we're happy, I'm very lucky, and he's way out of my league. Romantic status update complete.

I am really looking forward to this new year, and as amazing as 2013 was for me, I have the feeling that 2014 will be even more fantastic, challenging, and teaching. Thanks for reading this rambling, overly-peppy, and severely late blog post! I'll try to do a better job of keeping you informed about my life this year.